WordPress themes are collections of files that designate the blog or website’s style and features. Upon installation, your website will have a default theme, which can be found under the themes directory (wp-content folder) on your web server. However, you can install another WordPress theme available on the WordPress Theme Directory.
Each WordPress theme is divided into pieces in the theme folder that is assembled by the WordPress programming system. The following are the usual theme files common in every WordPress theme. While they may differ in style, they offer the same function across all themes.
- 404.php
- archive.php
- author.php
- comments.php
- category.php
- footer.php
- functions.php
- index.php
- header.php
- page.php
- sidebar.php
- search.php
- single.php
- style.css
Hierarchy System on WordPress Themes
This system decides which theme files to use when presenting the post or page to visitors. Should the specific template be absent, it defaults to its index.php template.
- Home Page
- Post
- Page
- Category
- Search Results
- 404
Upon deciding on the WordPress site theme, you must have a look at the files in the theme folder. You can do so by downloading it to your PC from its source or WordPress upon installation through the FTP client/software.