Month: July 2021

WordPress 101: The Basics of Themes

WordPress themes are collections of files that designate the blog or website’s style and features. Upon installation, your website will have a default theme, which can be found under the themes directory (wp-content folder) on your web server. However, you can install another WordPress theme available on the WordPress Theme Directory.
Each WordPress theme is divided into pieces in the theme folder that is assembled by the WordPress programming system. The following are the usual theme files common in every WordPress theme. …

How to Back Up Your WordPress Blog?

Backing up your WordPress Blog is as important as backing up your website. It means you can back it up and must do so especially when you are working on on-site changes. Especially when things go wrong, failing to back up means having to work on your website from scratch, which is the one thing you do not want to experience.
Tips for Backing Up WordPress

Back up your WordPress folders and files using your FTP. Place this in a different folder from your live blog copy.
Back up your WordPress database through the MySQL database section. Please refer to your web hosting for more detailed info on…

A Step-by-step Guide to Self-Install WordPress

As one of the most well-known blogging software programs, WordPress is a great start for anyone who wants to start a blog or a website. While today’s web hosting providers, including WordPress itself, offer a one-click blog setup, there are still a ton of benefits in self-installing WordPress.
These benefits include knowing the version you are working with, has full control of the features that can be useful to blogging, and backup options for your database and files.
Before self-installing WordPress, you need to check whether you have PHP v5.2 or updated, MySQL v5.015 or updated, or an Apache mod-rewrite module that is …

Designing Your Website: Technologies

Designing the Web with technologies is as visual as it is technical. While developing web pages requires extensive knowledge of coding, especially HTML/CSS coding, designing web pages requires extensive knowledge of visual aesthetics and interactive web appeal.
Visual aesthetics come in the form of graphics, color presentation, palette principles, and even the use of Flash to support video content or animated elements.
What web graphic elements require extensive website technologies?
The following elements will tell you when you need an extended website technology to, initially, reduce the bandwidth …

Designing Your Website: Audience Targeting

Web designing revolves around audience targeting and the technologies supporting it. In planning your website design, it looks at the available technologies of the audience it caters; the computer itself, its OS version and subsequent updates, software updates, internet connectivity type, and browser versions alongside subsequent updates.
When designing your website, you need to keep in mind the skills and technology of your target audience. Some of the things to consider include:
1. Target Audience skills
Determine whether your target audience is computer savvy or they have no computer experience….